South-East Regional Authority

The South-East Regional Authority is regional authorities established in Ireland under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1991, (Regional Authorities) (Establishment) Order, 1993. It is one of eight statutory regions of Ireland.

Membership of the Authority comprises 36 elected public representatives nominated by the six constituent Local Authorities within the Region: Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford City, Waterford County, and Wexford. The main function of the Regional Authority is:



In carrying out its duties the Authority is assisted by two committees, the Operational Committee and the EU Operational Committee. The Operational Committee’s function is to assist and advise the Authority in the discharge of its functions. Membership is drawn from senior management from Local Authorities and other public service agencies in the region. The EU Operational Committee assists the Authority in matters relating to EU assistance and the monitoring of various EU Operational Programmes applicable in the Region.

Regional Priorities

Despite having a strong base of indigenous industries and a vibrant overseas industry, concentrated mainly in electronics, precision engineering, pharmaceuticals and healthcare and internationally traded services, employment growth in the region has slowed in recent years and existing deficiencies in the region’s infrastructure, in particular, transport infrastructure, are impacting negatively on the regions competitiveness. To help boost the regions economy the following key priorities have been identified:

European Priorities

In the South East Region EU projects have enabled the development of representative and inclusive regional and transnational partnerships and cooperation, inclusiveness and participation of actors in a wide range of sectors. EU projects have promoted coordination between the relevant actors enabling them to work towards the same objectives.

The South East Regional Authority is involved in a wide variety of projects across all sectors and areas and is always interested in getting involved in new and innovative projects. Specific priorities for the future include projects and initiatives which can contribute to addressing the above regional priorities as well as those in the areas of information society, entrepreneurship and employment, and regional innovation.

European Experience

The South East Regional Authority has considerable experience in participating in and managing EU co-funded projects. Some of the EU co-funded projects in which the South East has been involved in the past 3 years include:

Other projects include (Research and Technological Development), REVOS (social and voluntary sector) and Sport Urban (sport and urban regeneration).


See also

External links